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Warrant “Redelfi 2022-2025”

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Milan, July 2, 2024
Redelfi S.p.A. (“Redelfi” or the “Company“), a company heading the Genoa-based industrial group of the same name – engaged in the development of innovative and sustainable infrastructures to facilitate the energy transition, and listed on the Euronext Growth Milan segment of the Italian Stock Exchange – announces that holders of the “Redelfi 2022-2025” warrants (the “Warrants”), ISIN code IT0005496028, will be able to request their exercise from July 3, 2024 until July 17, 2024, initial and final terms inclusive (the “Second Exercise Period”).

Warrant holders are entitled to subscribe to the Conversion Shares, in the ratio of 1 (one) Conversion Share for every no. 2 (two) Warrants held, at a price per Conversion Share of €1.513. Applications may be made on any bank business day during the Second Exercise Period and must be submitted to the intermediary member of Monte Titoli S.p.A. with which the Warrants are deposited.

It is understood that if the holders of the Warrants do not request to subscribe for the Conversion Shares by the final deadline of the Second Exercise Period (July 17, 2024), they will lose the relevant right, subject again to the right to exercise the Warrants in each of the subsequent Exercise Periods.
Conversion Shares subscribed by Warrant holders during the Second Exercise Period will be made available for trading through Monte Titoli S.p.A. on the settlement day following the end of the last day of the Second Exercise Period.
The Conversion Shares subscribed upon exercise of Warrants will have the same dividend entitlement as the Redelfi Ordinary Shares traded on Euronext Growth Milan as of the date of their issue.
For more information, please refer to the “Warrant 2022-2025” Regulations available on the company’s website: in the Investor Relations section > IPO.
Il presente comunicato stampa è disponibile sul sito web, sezione Investor Relations > Comunicati Stampa e su



Redelfi is the company at the helm of the homonymous Group, engaged in the energy and digital transition, with a strong innovative approach in the definition of products, services and processes, and high focus on compliance with ESG principles. In the financial year 2023, the Group realized a Value of Production of Euro 11 million and a Net Profit of Euro 3 million. The Net Financial Position is cash negative in the amount of Euro 4.8 million and the Net Equity is Euro 25 million.

Redelfi | Investor Relations Manager | Erika Padoan | | T: +39 320 7954739 | via A. Scarsellini, 119 Tower B “I Gemelli” 11th floor, 16149 Genova
Redelfi | Media Relations | Carolina Beretta | | via A. Scarsellini, 119 Tower B “I Gemelli” 11th floor, 16149 Genova

IR Top Consulting | Investor Relations | | T: + 39 02 4547 3884/3 | Via Bigli, 19 – 20121 Milano
IR Top Consulting | Media Relations | | T: + 39 02 4547 3884/3 | Via Bigli, 19 – 20121 Milano

Integrae SIM | | T: +39 02 96846864 | Piazza Castello, 24 – 20121 Milano